2 januari 2013


The winter is so cold. I can't life with out sweaters in the winter! So I have some cool winter look's for you guys.

01. I think the the pattern on this sweater is so cute. I don't like it when a shirt is to wild so I have just done under tight skinny. I always liked All stars the, the color of the shoes come back into the sweater.

02.I really love warm colors, so I made ​​a big sweater with a red hot pants. I have those shoes, and I think they're very cute

03. I know its cold. But i thought if you have a warm and cold day then this is handy. I just love the sweater and i want to buy that one very bad! I love sorts thats why to. I have Dr.Martens exactly that one, so i think it looks rocky under this outfit!

I hope you guys had some ideas for the long time winter!


4 opmerkingen:

  1. Echt heele mooie outfits!
    Ik volg je,volg je terug?
    Awesome ;)
    Xx Mo Xx


  2. Leuke outfits heb je uitgezocht! xxx

  3. leukk! outfit 1 vind ik het leukst!
    zullen we elkaar volgen?

    Liefs, Sophie
